The IT Band issue came from wearing my new running shoes, Hoka Stinson Tarmac, but making two mistakes. First I forgot my orthotics, second I used the elastic (triathlon style) laces that they came with but could not get them tight enough and, actually there were 3 mistakes, I used very thin racing socks. The cumulative effect? No arch support putting pressure through the knee and therefore down the IT Band, the issue compounded by not being able to get the shoe tight enough due to the elastic laces and thin socks. Seemed innocuous at the time but here I am.
The foam rolling and stretching is easy - just look on YouTube and job done. The core work is something that i needed to look at more closely. What i now have is a set of exercises that i try to do twice a week. It's predominantly body weight work, not much use of weights, but really works.
1. On a bosu ball a super-set alternating between squats and press-ups. With decreasing reps (30, 20, 10)
2. The next set is, again, a super-set with dumb-bells and a seated row alternating. With two dumbells it's curl and then press. The reps again in 30,20,10.
3. The next set is around the plank position.
- 1 minute plank
- 30 seconds supermans
- 30 seconds plank with leg raises
4. The final set is around sit-ups with a mix of full, half, twist and v sit-ups.
I've set myself a target to be running free by the end of January. That should give me enough time to get back on track for the Ultra in March. As it's my first ultra the first objective is to finish and i am confident that will happen even if i walk more than run.
On the basis that you learn so much first time you do anything this will hopefully set me up for more adventures later in the year. Might even have some abdominals by then!