I started to dare to dream yesterday...having been able to run a couple of 3.5 milers without issue i started to consider plans to run longer, not necessarily faster.
There's the Devils Chimney 10k on 16th July, this is run by the club that @stodddy38 runs with, Almost Athletes, so I'll probably do that one. Then on 4th September its the Cheltenham Half Marathon at the Racecourse. Followed a week later by the Cheltenham Triathlon at the Sandford Park Lido.
So far so good, nice and simple. I won't be competitive and right now i don't want to be. Just getting to the start line will feel great!
2012, however will be different!
The Gloucester Marathon in January (hopefully with Stoddy), the Mayhill Massacre in February, again with Stoddy who should be completing his 4th Mayhill. The Cotswold Marathon in March, then maybe an ultra. There's a Cardiff 50miler in May, or, drum roll please.......the Cotswold 100miler in June.
I think the 100miles will have to wait for 2013 but next year i definitely want to do a 50miler. I was training for one previously, The Thames Trot, until a change of jobs put the scuppers on that. I know i can do the training mileage and stick to the schedule so i just need to keep fit. Sometimes easier said than done but i am hopeful - i need some good luck right?
So right now it's about continuing the training mileage, watching my form and technique and building slowly. Shorter distances slowly with the end game very much the prize not knocking out a 5k pb in training.
Tomorrow's "long run" will hopefully be 4 miles in around 35minutes - see what i mean.