Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New website and new blog...

So the Shurdington Triers website was launched last night under the holding URL of (there will be a proper URL shortly) and one of the things we discussed was each having a blog for our training...

So here's my first entry. I worked at home today which was great as i managed to get a session in at lunchtime. Just a short one (20km/40mins on the bike) but it's a good route and one of my benchmark routes. The longer sessions that i have done have really helped with my time on this route. This time last year i was completing the course in around 42mins but i have taken 2mins off of that already and i feel much stronger at the end that's all good!

Off to Telford first thing tomorrow but there's a gym so i will get a run in on the treadmill. I went on Tuesday and used the exercise bike for 30mins. On the days i am in Telford i am hoping to get a small session in if nothing else. Lets face it with 3hrs a day commuting i have plenty of recovery time sat on my backside!!

One thing before i go - i was listening to a podcast today and they mentioned a story about Chad Gerlach - a one-time cyclist who after 5 years out living like a homeless person with some interesting addictions is making a comeback!! ana amzing story!